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Akcent official Website

What is the best album the band Akcent?
In culori(2002)
100 bpm(2003)
Poveste de viata (2004)
Primul Capitol(2006)
French Kiss with Kylie
King of Disco(2007)
Fara Lacrimi(2009)
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Interview Of the Maruis Nedelc

Bogdan Stanescu - IceNews: Hi, Maria! We are glad that you accepted this interview. How did your life professionally lately?

Marius Nedelcu: Hi! I thank you for your interest in me. Lately I did what I always do, that we worked hard. I really want a holiday this year ...

SB: We know that at one time owned a gym and a position of manager at World Class. There are any of them?

MN: The office manager at World Class has existed between 2001 and 2005, during which I and Akcent. In 2005 I quit because I started concerts abroad and simply can not face ... I had to choose. At some time after, I tried the version with your business but there were several projects: I worked on opening a neighborhood fitness centers (something different, however, by World Class), I opened a consulting firm in the field of fitness and we all Tudor began directing with Jelescu (Obsession directed to ours). In October last year I took over the management of the Club World Class Jolie Ville. I like very much to my business there, have an excellent team and I can work with to teach and spinning as a hobby.

SB: Coming back to an old topic ... in what way did that affect Akcent group split from two years ago, both solo and in your personal life?

MN: Just a few days ago I spoke with my former colleague Adrian about the effects of separation, how fans have reacted, what happens if ... ... and so important is that both sides eventually ended well and no matter who said to stop or why. Separation was not easy because we built that band together, we got involved, joys and disappointments we had all together but there must be a time when someone wants something and can not go in the same direction. I do not think it's a drama but an obstacle to be overcome .... And we (me and Akcent), I think I passed well.

SB: After super-tracks 'Rain', 'Obsession' and 'Never Be', which we know have been and probably will remain in the radio charts, appeared last song, namely "You" song you posted it up on your account. Tell us something about this song.

MN: You piece is made by George Popa and the text is mine. There is also an excellent remix made by H & F vs. Alan Hodor (very talented team) and other variants of the song made from our desire to bring out the best of it. The text talks about people with two girls, trust, useless games and about the fact that sometimes inexplicably go back to what is bad for us.

SB: After a successful collaboration with Giulia for 'Rain', why you chose the Red Head for the collaboration song 'You'? There will be no collaboration on the next album?

MN: I love collaborations, it seems to give more color on the Red Head parts and you can not refuse her ....'s Talented, wacky, crazy, sexy, and my grandmother taught me to not put me with girls have red hair because they are very bad .... haha!

SB: Do you think the piece will have the same success in the market as Rain or Obsession? There will be a video?

MN: It was not known if You will be single for Romania. The piece is for Russia, Poland, Middle East, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, etc. If you decide to a radio broadcast in Romania see you then but now is not the case.

SB: What do we prepare for the future? Cam you believe that you will release the next album?

MN: Hard to say what to do with the next album, considering that everything is taken from the internet for free and no longer sell albums at all. Increasingly more and more artists are turning to single and that's all. Possibly it to be and my fate.

S.B: Now, let's get to other topics. How busy is your schedule for April-May?

MN: First of all are quite busy with this and World Class in late May I go with all my team in Italy and Russia for concerts.

S.B: What do you do in your spare time?

MN: In my spare time I like to watch the series (Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, SGU, Flash Forward) and football game on the computer anymore. I am Arsenal fan and even so it has also won something, with me driving and obviously cheating (save each time before the game and if I lose rejoc).

S.B: Send a message to your fans!

MN: I thank the fans for watching me on my facebook accounts, youtube, etc .... I read all of my aberrations have patience founded to launch something new. I know there are not very present in Romania but this is not just me. But promise that I will always be close to them with new parts via online site.

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Way from receptionist to international artist and club manager


After an absence of four years, Nedelcu Marius returns to Word Class fitness club where he began work as a receptionist in 2000, but this time as manager at the Jolie Ville. Artist manager job leads in parallel with his career and ambitions are high in both areas. If, in music, listening to songs by Marius already in countries like Jordan, Russia, Egypt, South Africa, Poland, Austria and the Czech Republic, in sport, Nedelcu World Class aims to transform a space Jollie Ville focused on social special events and is doubling the number of clients target in just one year.

How did the manager of World Class Jolie Ville? At a time you had and your own fitness. You quit?

I still fitness, but it is a small hall, the neighborhood, which is more a family affair. World Class, on the other hand, is a high class club, Target different customer and implement different strategies. I must confess that I am very fond of World Class, the brand is always good for me and professional development. Here I started working in 2000 as a receptionist, and after that I played a party I ever got recruited to be part of the band Akcent.

You continued to work for World Class and after you started your musical career?

Four more years. Until 2005, when along with the song "Kylie" Akcent successful international band and started all kinds of depalsari abroad, I worked at the World Class Marriott and I advanced in office since I was a sales assistant and then manager of the club World Class Marriott. In 2005 I stopped. Traveled, the program was hellish and three other people depended on me and could not require them to make a priority of one of my personal business

Word class you Jollie Ville manager just two weeks and already have started the series of special events with "Freaky Friday", which combined sport of Halloween fun ...

Recently I moved into the area, are very close to the club, so I came up with the idea of resuming cooperation with the World Class. Jolie Ville I want to turn into a club focused mainly on events and all sorts of theme parties. There is a cinema hall here where you can organize conferences. "Freaky Friday" was just the first event in a series of themed parties designed specifically for club members. Will you follow something special for Christmas, and then next year, I have a very complex strategy development.

What are the clients they target the?

First, those in the area. I do not think people will come who lives across town in celealt here for roundtrip spend several hours in the car. But for customers in the area, trying to turn this into a social space. Why no coffee & fitness spa day or day of Michael Jackson? I think this kind of events will make the clients to communicate with others, to feel here like in a real family ...

The club has a generous spa area ...

My opinion is the most complex of those that existed in World Class. There are many salons here, complex equipment and therapists will try to perfect and promote these services more in the future ... Moreover, I propose to double the number of customers in just one year.

Music is in second place for now?

It is true that I may have left behind the musical project, but you have to create a list of priorities. It's when you need to make sure they can trust people I work with, because at times when I'm gone to make sure that everything will work properly. Music and fitness have gone wrong in the past and see no reason not to take these projects in parallel and now, especially as they are now as solo artist and one does not depend on me. Speaking about music that I just recorded a song that will appear in a few days and hopefully will have the same success as others. During last summer we had concerts in Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Austria, Middle East, and "Rain" and "Obsession" to listen even South Africa.


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Exclusive interview Marius

Because today is the day of his birth, we thought we would celebrate him as Marius Nedelcu we know to do, namely through a new exclusive interview. We all know the beginnings of Marius in the music world, along with the release of the band Akcent, as well as we know that in time became one of the best solo artists in Romania.

After featuring with Giulia's for the song "Rain" and hit "Obsession", followed by Alexandra Ivan unplugged concert, a musical event in our industry. Maria is currently a highly rated artist and abroad and participated in numerous musical events in countries such as Poland, Bulgaria, Russia and many others. And it's only the beginning

Hi Marius! We are glad to find you again and WebWorks! How did your professional life lately?

Considering the fact that I am involved in many things, and I believe that we had good and bad ... there are still a balance and content.

2. Why on your first solo album was decided to promote one single, and "Rain"?

Working on my album took a long time (about 2 years) for reasons not really related to me, and Romanian music market has changed and turned to this style quite categorically "bumtz, bumtz" that all but strongly criticize secretly adores him. The only song on my album which was matched with the trends of Rain. Can I dare to fall ... I think about something else.

3. How did you collaborate with Giulia? Will there be a new kind of collaboration in the future?

Giulia I chose because I found that her voice is suited to my play. Such collaborations will be safe because I like them.

5. Along with "Obsession" you look more directly addressed. What exactly is the message clip? Are you going to continue in the same direction of look and attitude?

In the video I wanted to highlight the negative aspects of racism and obsession and I think I was not quite so directly ... I censored a bit. Now I do not know how to address the following clip from the message that everything goes the song.

6. What you meant for participation in 'Dancing'?

I was told for years, as long as I was' boyband boy "and not know how to sing or dance. As my first one thousand prove otherwise, I attended the show and then I organized an unplugged for online. For starters I think is enough ... I recharged my batteries and do not think have to prove anything. I just want my business and art to my fans who appreciate my work ... the rest to change the channel ... I do not care

7. Do you tend to participate in Eurovision next year? How do I look like festivals?

I have already participated in Eurovision with Akcent and I was bitter. I do not want to use the word never but I can certainly say that I will think many times before I join in such a contest.
However, this year (7-9 August) will participate again at the Sopot Festival in Poland and my Obsession ... enough for now.

8. Looking back, during Akcent remained only good memories?

I'm not very strong anchor in the past and I have not done a report for history. They are as they are and I return in memory depending on the situation, day, year, the weather outside ... I consider them irrelevant anyway, whether beautiful or ugly memories, does not help me at all today. More important I think is a lesson to the future.

9. Vis-à-vis success in European countries think the Romanian music industry does not appreciate the true value of artists?

There are a lot of paranoia and is not constructive criticism. If Romanian musical productions were so bad, then had no way to spread all over Europe .... Or do you think is a continent full of idiots, but I choose to believe that our productions are slightly better than theirs and they are smart enough to seize. I do not think that would hurt us all a double portion of patriotism as the Romans do not think they are stupid, thieves, rapists and lacking any talent. I do not know, may have achieved perfection and the only Italians who commit crimes in their country we are Romans. Come to support us as we build a good and positive image out for criticism as we get enough.

10. By working with Alexandra Ivan for the Embassy acoustic concert, you think you started a trend in the concert in Romania? Intend to achieve and a track feat Alexandra & Alec?

Our initiative will create not know if even a trend but were rumors that I heard similar things ready. I wish them luck and I will fully enjoy if what I did with Alec, Alex, Dragos, Rafi, Oana Alexandra will be called TREND. It is possible to record something together. They have a song that I like in particular, the Holy Ground.

11. What are your plans for the near future?

For me this year is the near future and this year we have: Sopot Festival departures Russia, promoting new single in the fall and extend my room Gym House. All these things are extremely important to me and I very much work ... this year's vacation and becomes a distant dream

12. A message for your fans!

I want to thank the fans for voting me as unnecessary charts ... they know very well what I mean. I know I appreciate their devotion even if they come anyway or not the events they voted for me ... I hope not to be disappointed because I'm not disappointed at all of them:)

Thanks Marius! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO .... We always delight your tracks!




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Marius Nedelcu between Poles and shock adoption of television

Marius Nedelcu tells us today, on the occasion of his birthday, the first interview Monden Press Agency, as he managed to be adopted and kept down by the Poles, who broke the collaboration with UTV, occupying the position of director programs, and would be able to do to shock in Romania, because, lately, that's why you need to appear on television.



How did you come to be known abroad as a solo artist? Who did you enter?

Perhaps people in Romania do not realize to what extent these releases occurred outside. Ok, O-zone broke all the charts, but they broke up shortly after and have not got to sing that song a lot. They were not present in the flesh at events. With Akcentlucruile have been different. In countries where we launched was recognized by people on the street. Akcent We had six singles in Poland. Because I was speaker of English from the band respond in all interviews and talk on stage, people perceived me as a band leader. So when we released "Rain", the Poles were first interested me. When he went without me Akcent in Poland, the first question from the people there was, "Where's Maria?". Then the Russians started to look for me.


You should keep in mind the fact that the music industry in Poland is less developed than us?

Production is less developed. They have many excellent artists, but do not have good production. It is valid for Russia or Bulgaria. In fact all over Eastern Europe.


You hit the music industry mafia from us?

As an artist must have a sensational piece. If you have back and a great song will not be promoted. You can make it so, but with great effort and luck.


What do you think the scandal erupted between Cat Records and Music Festival organizers Romanian Top Hits?

Each agent protects their garden. We can not say that all the time, everywhere he plays fair. After all is business, not charity. I do not know if I speak the same event, but I know there has been a top on the Internet to vote. I was there with Obsession. Fans voted for me, both in Romania and in Poland or Russia. I was a 2nd time because suddenly disappear from the nominees. I do not deranjaza this as my fans that have spent so much time on the internet and made me vote for that site and traffic sucked. Frankly, I prefer not to put anyone anywhere, but if I put everything, let it be all right.


I feel much better treated in Poland or Russia, than in Romania?

Sometimes there are days when I feel like I can stick my feet and go to Poland, but I come back and say I want to have success here in my country. Poles are things that make them more Bie, that when organized concerts. Artists are in huge tents are being treated very carefully. But at the same time, look, they have no musical production! So if you want to do something of quality, also in Romania come.


How's business customers with fitness?

It is a difficult time for everyone, but for the fitness park goes a little better than in other areas. I opened an aerobic and an online store for supplements that go great. At first, I followed the traditional recipe of the other rooms, through the distribution of flyers in the area but did not win anything. We noticed the difference when I started to write on forums and announce that I am behind this room.


I've met people from Akcent in Poland?

I was ready to meet last weekend at an event. But I could not work out too. Inna was on display.


What do you think has got to start singing?

Production sounds different. People do not have ideas for some time and she sounded different.


It's a good studio product. But notice that at each diffusion has Inna is not recognized on the street people?

This stuff happens a few years. People do not recognize the artists for not looking at the TV and the artists do not come to shows because there are other celebrities invited. Those who have now launched a problem because they do not stay in visual memory of the public. I hope to change things on television soon. I notice that there are issues where artists are promoted as it was "Teo", for example.


The public wants to be, more recently, always shocked by what he sees on TV ...

Yes, probably, and I think I need to do something shocking. I'll put a wig. You'll get pregnant. You seriously think so do not heart my grandparents, though.


Spend more time on the Internet? What kind of sites you attend?

Lately a lot of time sitting up. I have many fans there and I communicate well with them. I do not like to write things like "Now I wake up. How beautiful it is out. " Usually I write funny stuff, the kind "I was inundated by neighbors, etc.., To know the unusual things in my life.


Why are not you program director at UTV?

Unfortunately, I signed a confidentiality agreement and may not disclose the reasons. I was director of programs throughout June, but we concluded that it is not what I do. I have management experience in another field that does not fit with what I found there. They have different view than mine. I learned some things and I want to do as I want. I had serious reasons anyway. Sorry it took only a month. It is the fourth collaboration with UTV unreliable (reality show "Akcent on U", two projects which was not anything because they failed from the start and the last collaboration). Perhaps we are not compatible. Maybe they and "control freak". If you put something on my tray and I say you are head on that piece, then let me do my work as I know on that piece.


How does your book show on August?

On August 7, go to the Sopot Festival in Poland. Then I have three concerts in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. I hope not to be detained there. :)

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Marius star style


During Akcent, being in a band, have had as their clothing drive. To what extent the options have changed your clothes after you went solo?
Who knows what I had in the clothing drive Akcent. Chriar often try to look different and never talked about clothes between us before we get on stage. Now I'm solo, I made radical changes but I became more athletic ptuin, that way I feel best.

How could you describe your fashion style? Your fashion style of the artist differs from what you choose to exit the movie?
Not differ very much the way I dress for various outputs, either on film or any important event. Generally I like to dress well for everything, and when I go to the gym. Anyway I'm not greatly complicate the very expensive and sophisticated outfits, and go on the idea that you have to feel comfortable in the clothes I wear and represent me.


What is your favorite item of clothing? You have a signature style - an item of clothing, an accessory that you wear most frequently?
I quickly got bored of clothes I do not think I have something that I did not come away a long time or to characterize me in particular. However, I can say that I find it hard to give up and wear jeans and that everything else in place of convenience.

Man is but an artist, how important is for you the way you look? Treated as a public should be concerned with its image more than the average person?
I'm also more concerned about how I look physically, than going to the gym clothes that I wear. Go on the idea that if I worked a body at the gym, I can afford without problem just a jeans and shirt.

In recent years, increasingly more men are turning to cosmetic services. What do you think of facials, manicures etc?
Well, women began to steal from us wearing our pants and was now if we take them to the hairdresser's chair! I do not really are because I found the rooms a very good friend who terrorize me with one face (sometimes it's painful).


It is known that not a few men who do not like to wear a suit. I fit into this category? If so, what alternative can find so you'll be dressed correctly, but you also feel good.
And I ran the outfit all the time. I prefer to combine a jacket with jeans and shirt. Even my shirt on my nerves Calac especially if they are on stage and need to be ironed and if it's already too much for me.

Brand or Custom Made? Where do you buy clothes?
I mainly watch if I like my stay, then watch the material and it's crisis this year and watch the price ... hehe .... I kind of let cool brand

Working with a stylist? To what extent does fashion influence your personal style?
I work well with Cristina Nicualev who dressed me for all my major solo events: Sopot, Channel Music Awards, my video, shoot, etc. I love working with her because it's flexible and understand the person better and my stiulul I feel comfortable with what I wear.

How would you react if the director and stylist decide for a specific video, are you not look? Are you willing to make compromises in terms of look or consider to be your professionalism?
I'm not packed product from another, an artist who only appears in the video, sing, smile and go home. I am very involved in everything related to my career and I am the one who gives direction. We have meetings, I tell them what ideas we have and then people I work with come up with proposals. It would be evidence of unprofessional if I were involved and I made this mistake several times in his career ... .. I do not want to repeat it now that I am solo.

Have men in Romania Style? What advice about the style and fashion to give the men in Romania?
I do not know if you have style or not because I'm not a skilled in this field. My advice to them is to go to the gym that does not sit well with Armani shirts belly!